Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Department today

         The department is the successor of the Department of "Industrial Economics", which was established in 1946. on the basis of which in 1993 four economic departments were created, in particular the department of business economics. In 2018, in accordance with modern socio-economic challenges, the department was reorganized under the name of the Department of Tourism and Business Economics. The ancient scientific traditions of the department are organically combined with modern approaches and interactive methods of teaching disciplines. The Department of Tourism and Business Economics remains in line with modern requirements, preserving and increasing the experience and respecting the past.

To date, the department trains specialists in the following specialties:

051 - Economics of the enterprise

242 - Tourism.

Among the wide range of disciplines taught at the department, there are classics, such as business economics, innovation economics, business strategy, enterprise capacity management, pricing. It is also worth emphasizing the unique courses developed by the staff for the most complete and comprehensive training of future professionals - the economics of tourism, corporate social responsibility, creative economy, cultural and ethnic tourism, touring, international etiquette, basics of tourism and much more.

Fruitfully combining long-standing traditions and experience with innovative approaches and technologies, the specialists of the Department of Tourism and Business Economics provide a consistently high level of education.

Our graduates receive all the knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional activity, and therefore are always in demand in a competitive labor market. The department annually hosts many interesting events, including competitions, brainstorming sessions, meetings with stakeholders, international scientific and practical conferences, international schools, travel breakfasts and more.

Employees of the department have experience in practical and scientific activities at leading industrial enterprises, consulting companies, research institutions and more. Specialists of the department carry out active research activities, based on which:

- implement new solutions at industrial enterprises;

- publish articles in leading professional and scientific publications in Ukraine and abroad;

- prepare new textbooks and monographs;

- cooperate with other educational and research institutions and business structures.

Students and graduate students of the department participate in research activities together with leading specialists of the department, gaining new knowledge and practical skills.

Employees of the department actively cooperate with many enterprises of various industries and professional associations in Ukraine and abroad, which allows you to timely bring to the educational process the best latest scientific and practical achievements.

The best evidence of the high quality of education of our graduates is their professional achievements. We are proud of the consistently high level of employment of our graduates and the great interest of leading employers in them.

Today the department has 12 teachers.

Doctors of Science - 3 full-time.

Candidates of Sciences - 6.

Of these, 3 have the title of professor and 5 the title of associate professor.

Senior teachers - 1;

Assistants - 2 full-time.

Employees of the department have experience in practical and scientific activities at leading industrial enterprises, consulting companies, research institutions and more.








Educational work of the department

Educational and methodical work is carried out in accordance with the annual plans and individual plans of teachers.
The Department of Tourism and Business Economics provides organization of the educational process and teaching of more than 40 general economic and professional disciplines for the preparation of bachelors and masters.
Teachers of the department constantly update the topics of tests and term papers, tests on lecture and practical modules in each discipline; the base of test tasks from a number of disciplines is formed; prepared lecture notes.
The teaching of all disciplines is based on the latest achievements of domestic and world education, taking into account all the changes in the economy and legislation of Ukraine, uses the experience of developed countries in solving many economic problems.





Educational work of the department

An integral part of the department is educational work with students. First of all, this applies to the work of curators of academic groups outside the academic building. In cooperation with the management of the dean's office, mentors help to solve urgent problems of education, self-preparation and life of student youth.




The department together with students takes part in charity events under the slogan "Let's help children" for children in orphanages, which are provided with material and humanitarian assistance.



The Young Economist School has been operating since 2017



Youth policy of the Department of Business Economics is based on the provisions of the Declaration "On General Principles of State Youth Policy in Ukraine", which states: "State youth policy is a systematic activity of the state in relations with the individual, youth , aims to create socio-economic, political, organizational, legal conditions and guarantees for vital self-determination, intellectual, moral, physical development of youth, realization of its creative potential, both in their own interests and in the interests of Ukraine.

The youth policy of the department is consistent with the policy of the university and is aimed at educating a harmoniously developed, highly educated socially active and nationally conscious person, endowed with civic responsibility, high spiritual qualities, patriotic feelings, capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is carried out in the interests of student youth, society, the state and is based on the long traditions of the university, the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, taking into account the world experience of youth support.


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