Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Кодекс академічної доброчесності НТУ «ДП»

No matter how tired and exhausted students are with homework, they should not resort to dishonest practices. This is warned in most of the world's leading universities. Because writing is easy, but in doing so, students not only cease to be honest with their classmates and themselves, but also generally undermine the value of education.

The NAPC Integrity Building Office explains in this text what academic integrity is and why it is important to adhere to it.

Опитування студентів з питань академічної доброчесності

Virtue as the norm

The Harvard College Code of Ethics states that members of the college community are committed to studying in good faith, adhering to standards regarding information sources, data collection, and use, and recognizing the contribution of others to ideas, discoveries, interpretations, and conclusions.

The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as the observance of five core values: honesty, trust, justice, respect and responsibility.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Education", academic integrity is "a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law, which should guide the participants of the educational process during training, teaching and conducting scientific (creative) activities to ensure confidence in learning outcomes and / or scientific ( creative) achievements ".

Academically sound pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers are obliged to refer to sources of information if they use other people's ideas, developments, statements. Copyright and related rights are required. They are also obliged to provide reliable information about research methods and results, sources of information used and their own pedagogical activities. And, of course, to ensure that students adhere to academic integrity and make objective assessments.

Most of these items are also required for students. They are also required to complete current and final learning tasks independently.

Violation of academic integrity

After analyzing the codes of ethical conduct of academic communities and the domestic Law "On Education", we can identify several main types of violations of academic integrity:

        writing off exams and other types of assessment;

        plagiarism is the use of someone's work, extracts from it without specifying the source of information;

        research fraud - conducting research without adherence to generally accepted ethics and honesty, reporting inaccurate research results or presenting data in such a way that it may lead to incorrect conclusions;

        violation of the rules of publishing research results, including writing materials that incorrectly present facts, opinions or judgments, dissemination of incorrect interpretations of research results;

        administrative dishonesty - making decisions against students and teachers that are contrary to academic ethics.

        biased evaluation of students and colleagues.

The main reason why students take steps that contradict academic integrity is a formal attitude to assessment, according to Education Ombudsman Sergei Gorbachev. Knowledge is not considered a value compared to the result. This position is sometimes supported by parents, "demanding" positive assessments from children at any cost.

Honesty = knowledge

Do not write off the test - it would seem a small step, but it can become a brick in the formation of character and personality. After all, a person who adheres to academic integrity usually applies virtuous behavior in all spheres of life.

In addition, adherence to the principles of academic integrity is honesty to one's colleagues, to oneself, and to the future employer. After all, in this case, the results of your work correspond to the level of your efforts, knowledge, skills and abilities, and will not reflect your ability to write. Wouldn't you like to be operated on by a surgeon who bought a diploma instead of gaining it through work and knowledge?

Adherence to the principles of academic integrity affects the reputation of the educational institution or institution where the student, teacher or researcher studies or works. After all, the status and place of an educational institution in the ranking will be influenced by whether the grades obtained by students correspond to real knowledge and skills. And here the pattern is simple: where there is more integrity, there is more knowledge.

As the International Center for Academic Integrity points out in its handbook, academic communities thrive when their members "live" with fundamental values: "when public educational institutions are" imbued "with integrity, they help build a stronger civic culture in society as a whole."

Being academically virtuous is not as difficult as it may seem. You should value your colleagues, respect yourself and your time, and understand that learning is first and foremost self-improvement. Being honest, fair and responsible are traits that are brought up from school and for life.

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